At the third event of the utopia-dystopia-heterotopia series, Dutch documentary director Remy Vlek was Space Detournement's guest at Work Area, presenting his films about the controversial architect, Carel Weeber and his much debated concept "Het Wilde Wonen." Members of Space Detournement Working Group have been long fascinated by the intensity of the debates Weeber once generated, especially by the increasingly agitated writings of the noted architecture critic and theorist, Bart Lootsma. Lootsma argued that Weeber's concept - intended to provide greater individual freedom in planning for future house owners and the architects contracted by them - epitomizes the disintegration of the social housing system the Netherlands was famous for, contributing to the emergence of a reckless, neoliberalist populism, and eventually leading to the entropy of the society; he even partially attributed Theo Van Gogh's murder to the decay of public spaces as a factor in the murderer's unsuccessful integration, and, calling it the advocate of the devil, he presented Atelier Van Lieshout's provocative output - built around the notions of extreme individualism, nomadism, self-sustainment, terrorism, sadomasochism - as a useful caricature of these trends. Notwithstanding the controversial oeuvre, investigated in Remy's film Against the Grain. The Legacy of Architect Carel Weeber, from his other film (and his explanation of why already the standard translation "Wild Living" can be deceiving) we got a different picture, of course, with people happily designing and decorating their homes without restrictions. Only Remy's question - whether such self-designed architecture exists in the Hungarian countryside too - made the architects present giggle to themselves: does anything else exist in the Hungarian countryside?